Sunrise Calendar for Android updated (2.0) with tablet UI, downloadable event calendars and more

Sunrise Calendar for AndroidIt was recently reported that Microsoft may have purchased popular calendar app Sunrise for a sum of $100 million. While neither party confirmed or denied the deal, it looks like its business as usual for the Sunrise team.

Today the developer has released Sunrise for Android version 2.0, which includes support for Android tablets. While Sunrise for iOS does support the iPad, its tablet counterpart has not had dedicated tablet support until now.

You can download the update directly on your device through the Windows Phone Store or by using the following link:

Download from the Google Play Store
Price Free
Requirements Android 4.0 or greater

Sunrise for Android version 2.0 has the following new features and improvements:
  • New tablet-optimized UI
  • Over 25,000 calendars for holidays, sport teams, name days, week numbers, and more
  • You can connect two news apps – Google Tasks and Eventbrite
The extra event calendars are available for various sports teams, countries, and religions. Choose the ones you want (if any) and they will be integrated with the Sunrise app. The update also brings support for Google Tasks and Eventbrite.

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