Moovit offers crowdsourced Public Transit Data

Moovit offers crowdsourced Public Transit Data

Moovit, which is available in 500 cities globally, uses a combination of official transit information and crowdsourced live updates to provide accurate information on a city's public transportation city at any given moment. Essentially Moovit is like Waze for public transit.

Moovit, is an Israeli startup that recently raised $50 million to build an app which takes a lot of the headache out of navigating public transportation.

Moovit hopes to eliminate the frustration of rushing to catch the bus, only to find out its been delayed indefinitely. Or arrive at a subway stop to find hundreds of others waiting for the same delayed train.

While there are other apps that offer real-time transit updates, they aren't available everywhere - and in most cases, they don't offer up information about service alerts, like bus stops relocated due to construction.

Moovit is available across Android, iOS and Windows Phone. You can download Moovit directly on your device through its respective app store or by using the following links.

Android iOS Windows Phone
Download Download from the Windows Phone Store
Price Free Free Free
Requirements Android 2.3.3 or greater iOS 6.0 or greater WP 8.0; WP 8.1

moovit for iOSGetting started with the app is fairly intuitive; just put in your starting location and destination and Moovit spits out the best way to get there. It also notifies you when you're getting close to your stop, which should be most useful in cities where transportation systems dont always make that clear.

The service has grown quickly. In January 2013, Moovit completed a beta test with 200,000 users. Now, it's up to 15 million users, and a new city is being added every day. The $50 million in funding will go towards expanding the app's reach even further, mainly in the Asia-Pacific region.

The vision for Moovit goes beyond public transportation. According to CEO Nir Erez, the company wants to make its service an omni-search for non-car owners, including bike, taxi, and car-sharing services. Later this year, Moovit plans to make a number of announcements around integrating multiple means of transportation into the app.

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