Lenovo makes a bid for BlackBerry

LenovoChinese manufacturer Lenovo has reportedly signed a nondisclosure agreement in advance of a bid that the company is allegedly making for the troubled Canadian OEM. Its very unlikely that Lenovo will be permitted to take over BlackBerry, as Canadian and American authorities are expected to block any sale to a company subject to Beijing’s control, even if that control is only indirect, as it is in the case of Lenovo.

So why would Lenovo make a bid?

Forbes has an interesting set of reasons why they think Lenovo made a bid for the Canadian company, which include several security concerns regarding the foreign purchase of a brand trusted by many government officials for its security.

Is China's Lenovo Bidding For BlackBerry To Destroy It?
Why is Lenovo in the process of making a bid? In all probability, Chinese government officials want to destroy BlackBerry, just as they destroyed another Canadian tech company, Nortel Networks, last decade.
source - Forbes

On the other hand Lenovo may have the resources and ambition to save the iconic BlackBerry brand. However history has shown us that this is easier said than done.  Hewlett-Packard's acquisition of Palm, has already demonstrated how hard it is to rescue such a business, and Google's purchase of Motorola Mobility has still to produce a success story.

So why do you think Lenovo is making a bid for BlackBerry? Does the company have genuine interest in the BlackBerry brand or is the purchase an excuse for the Chinese government to go through BlackBerry's accounts.

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