For Better or For Worse? Pros & Cons of Wireless Charging


Since the late 19th Century, Nikola Tesla has showcased the capability of wireless charging. He demonstrated the power of magnetic resonant coupling, which involved transmitting electricity through the air by creating a magnetic field between a transmitter and a receiver. But since this was one of the most primitive stages of wireless charging, it didn’t have any practical applications, apart from making electric toothbrushes work.

The technology has evolved dramatically since then, and wireless charging today now has several practical uses. Smartphones, laptops, kitchen appliances, automobiles can now be charged without cables.

Pros & Cons of Wireless Charging

Just like every tech innovation in history, wireless chargers face different challenges. A lot of people are unaware of the advantages and disadvantages of cable-free charging. A lot of misunderstanding still surrounds issues about charging time and whether charging mats are compatible with different devices, for instance. Read on to find out the pros and cons of this innovative tech below.

Pros: Why People Use Wireless Chargers

There are various reasons why people love wireless charging. They offer unique solutions at home or the workplace that make life easier.


People choose wireless chargers because of their convenience. All you have to do is place your phone on the charging mat and it immediately begins to charge. Just like its wired charger counterparts, wireless chargers also portable which means that you can charge your phone wherever you are. Wireless charging stations have even started showing up at coffee shops, hotels, and restaurants so people can charge their gadgets while having a quick bite.

Energy Efficiency

Wireless chargers have an auto-off feature. When your device is fully charged, it automatically switches off. Because of their energy efficiency, you can charge your phone safely without worrying about overheating or damaging your batteries.


Be wary of plugging your phone into an unknown cable—it could, after all, be host to viruses that could infect your device. Thankfully, wireless chargers are free of this threat: you can charge your smartphone on a charging mat in a hotel, restaurant, and public space without worrying about infecting it with malware.


Wireless technology offers an extra supply of power. There’s no need to bring a large backup battery. You can simply place your device onto the charging mat and let it charge for a few hours. Soon enough, charging mats will be as ubiquitous and accessible as Wi-Fi.

Less Cables

Wireless charging are less cumbersome because they are cable-free. It only uses one cable for the charging mat. And because you don’t have to deal with wires, you’re reducing clutter on your desk and car, as well. Reducing your use of cables can also prevent wear and tear of your charger and gadget.


Qi has created a universal wireless charging standard, which supports all smartphones. This makes it possible to use one charger for devices from different manufacturers, such as Apple and Samsung. So regardless of whether you’re an iPhone and Android user, you can still use the same mat for charging. Some furniture companies are following suit and designing their products with wireless features so charging mats won’t be necessary anymore.

Cons: The Current Problems of Wireless Charging Technology

If learning about wireless tech teaches us anything, it’s that it is far from perfect. There are current issues that these chargers still face and need to address to improve further. Some of the downsides of opting for the wireless route include:

Longer Charging Times

Wireless charging offers convenience but this comes at the expense of a slow charging time. Compared to wired charging, it usually takes 30 to 80 percent longer to fully charge your smartphone on a wireless charging mat. Take note that the placement of the device on the mat can affect how long it takes to charge so make sure it’s placed there properly.

Full-time Charging

When you’re charging from a wireless mat, you won’t be able to use your phone. The device needs to be placed on the mat the whole time, which means you have to wait until the batteries are fully charged before using it again.


Though people would pay for convenience, wireless charging is a little pricey. Wireless chargers can cost between 40 to 100 dollars, depending on the size of the unit.

What’s Next for Wireless Charging?

There’s still room for improvement in the way wireless charging mats work. The next step is for wireless manufacturers to figure out how to make them more efficient. And there have been various discoveries in the field of wireless charging recently: a reports shows that increasing the amount of energy is possible by interfering with the waves used to charge devices from a distance.

Wireless charging tech is more than just a mere fad or a lofty pipe dream—it is here to stay. As the years go by, wireless charging has improved significantly, making it so much easier to power our devices. And in today’s world, our gadgets are a crucial part of our lives.

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