[Android Wear app] Microsoft Torque - powered by Bing

Torque - powered by Bing for Android WearMicrosoft has released a new app for Android Wear called Torque, which allows you to access Bing with a twist of the wrist. You searches are voice powered, so you get a Cortana like experience allowing you to use your voice and find out what the weather forecast is, the score of the Miami Heat game, prices of stocks in your portfolio, or the answer to other questions.

You can download the app directly on your Android Wear device through the Google Play STore or by using the following link:

Download from the Google Play Store
Price Free
Requirements Android Wear

Torque is a free download, available from the Microsoft Garage group, which is made up of interns, artists, tinkerers and inventors. This group is supposed to turn ideas into projects. And as we know, some of America's greatest corporations and ideas came out of a garage.

While Torque works great on LG and Samsung branded Android Wear timepieces, it has issues with the sensors on the Motorola Moto 360. You can see Torque for Android Wear in action in the following video.

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