[Windows Phone app] Spotify updated (3.0) with new interface

Spotify for Windows Phone has been updated to version which brings the darker interface which has been making its way across the iOS and Android versions of the streaming music app. Spotify is a cross platform music streaming service with access  to millions of tracks and the ability to save playlists and enjoy them across your devices.

You can download the update directly on your device through the Google Play Store. You can also download the update and find out what's new after the break

Download Download from Windows Phone Store
Price Free
Requirements Windows Phone 8.0; Windows Phone 8.1

Press the Search searchbutton on your Windows Phone, tap Vision vision and then scan the following barcode by pointing your device camera toward it

With the new update, the user interface for Spotify has been completely revamped and “streamlined” with the darker theme and updated visuals similar to its Android and iOS counterparts.

The update also brings several new features and improvements including Browse and Discover which allows you to choose among various playlists, whereas the latter uses sophisticated algorithms in order to provide you with music that might suit your taste.

The update also brings the Radio feature, which allows Windows Phone users to create their own radio stations and browse among the ones, created by other audiophiles.

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