T-Mobile gets rid of overage fees, expects competitors to follow

T-MobileT-Mobile has announced its third Un-carrier move for April, which follows the company's new Simple Starter plan and Operation Tablet Freedom announcements. Starting in May for bills arriving in June, the fourth major US carrier is eliminating overage fees for all of its subscribers. He's also petitioning "those other guys", as he affectionately refers to competitors AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint, to do the same.

The official press release from T-Mobile has some interesting revelations. Apparently, more than 20 million Americans were hit with punitive overage charges in 2013, and these penalties from the three largest U.S. carriers take more than $1 billion out of consumers’ pockets every year.

T-Mobile CEO John Legere had the following to say in his personal blog

"The old carriers’ entry-level plans lure you in with a low monthly cost for a fixed amount of domestic minutes, texts or data. Once you go over those limits – even by a little – you’re hit with bill shock."

He goes on to say that "Charging overage fees is a greedy, predatory practice that needs to go." and "the worst thing about these overage fees is that they’re often inflicted on those who can least afford them." 

Before unveiling the carrier's second movement Legere said "I personally won’t be satisfied until we obliterate this shameful practice from the entire wireless industry,”

"Today I started a petition, laying down a challenge to AT&T, Verizon and Sprint to do the same for their customers – because it’s the right thing to do." If you want to take part, the petition is available here.

The CEO ends his announcement saying "Imagine the smile on my face as I watch millions upon millions of Americans flipping the bird to the insanity and pain of the past and joining this consumer revolution – while I sit back and watch the competition flounder."

Press Release

Are you signing up for T-Mobile's petition? Would the three initiatives from the magenta colored carrier tempt you to switch from your current carrier over to T-Mobile?

source - John Legere | T-Mobile

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