T-Mobile celebrates first one year of LTE by coverage announcing more network updates

T-MobileT-Mobile is celebrating one year since it first rolled out its LTE network. During the past year, T-Mobile has built out its 4G pipeline at a record pace, now covering 210 million Americans in 273 markets with its network.

To keep the momentum going, the nation's fourth largest carrier plans on upgrading its 2G/EDGE network to 4G LTE. 50% of this work will be completed this year, with the balance expected to be done in the middle of 2015. T-Mobile also said that it will start using the 700 MHz A-block spectrum it is in the process of acquiring, for 4G LTE service.
"Right now, T-Mobile covers 96 percent of Americans, and over the past year, we've completely shattered records with the fastest 4G LTE deployment the U.S. wireless industry has ever seen. Our competitors want you to believe our network doesn't measure up. But that just isn't true. And American consumers are going to see right through the spin and half-truths when given the facts...Verizon's ink blots massively understate our coverage and don't begin to represent the actual customer experience on T-Mobile's network. So we're setting the record straight - both by demanding an end to the misinformation, and by going straight to the people with the truth.""
- John Legere, CEO, T-Mobile

The self-proclaimed UNcarrier is trying to set the record straight when it comes to the competition. It has asked for a cease and desist order against Verizon's use of a image it uses on television commercials and other promotional material, claiming that it is T-Mobile's 4G LTE coverage map. In its complaint, T-Mobile says that Verizon chose to pick just one of the technologies used by T-Mobile for 4G connectivity in order to make Verizon's network look better by comparison. The carrier states that it covers 230 million people with its 4G HSPA+ network, which includes many areas where it does not offer 4G LTE service.

source: T-Mobile

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