Nokia updates Display+Touch for Lumia WP8 devices with new peek feature

Nokia has updated their Display+Touch system setting for their Lumia Windows Phone 8 devices to version which brings support for quick mode under Glance settings along with some bug fixes and performance improvements.

You can download the update directly on your device through the Windows Phone Store or by using the link which follows:

Price Free
Requirements Windows Phone 8

Press the Search searchbutton on your Windows Phone, tap Vision vision and then scan the following barcode by pointing your device camera toward it

QR Nokia Display+Touch

Nokia Display+Touch lets you fine tune your Windows Phone experience on your Lumia device. The 'Quick mode in Glance settings' is only available to devices running the Windows Phone Amber update, which is currently only available on the Nokia Lumia 925. All other Lumia WP8 smartphones are expected to get this new feature after Nokia Amber update when it is released sometime in August.

The Glace Settings are a part of the new "on-screen clock" which will arrive with the Amber/GDR2 update. This setting will allow users to
  • Hover your hand over your phone to see your glance screen
  • Added 'Peek' option to glance menu setting

Check out the Peak feature demonstrated in the following video

source - WPCentral

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