Apple Mac OS X (10.9) Mavericks Developer Preview 4 available for download

Apple Mac OS X (10.9) Mavericks Developer Preview 4 available for downloadApple OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 4 has also been released to developers registered in Apple's Mac Developer program. The update comes just two weeks after the release of Developer Preview 3 but doesn't include a list of changes this time.

If you are eligible to download the update, it is available through the Mac App Store and is a little over a gigabyte in size. The update brings several stability and performance improvements to OS X 10.9 platform along with several bug fixes.

If you are a registered member of Apple's Mac Dev Center and if you have downloaded the OS X Mavericks 10.9 Developer Preview 4, leave us a comments and let us know what you think about the latest version of desktop platform and if you came across any new features you come across

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