How to win one of 30 BlackBerry 10 phones from RIM

BlackBerry LogoRIM is offering fans a chance to win one of 30 BlackBerry 10 devices in the BlackBerry 10TO contest. You will also win a case for the phone and two tickets to the BlackBerry 10TO party in Toronto on January 30th. If you do win one of these exclusive devices you will have to attend the 10TO party in order to collect your device. This seems like a clever way boost their attendants at the event. Unfortunately RIM will not be covering the cost of the transport to the party

In order to win one of the devices you will have to follow BlackBerry on Twitter and tweet the following message:
"what you are most excited about for BlackBerry 10, and include the hashtag #BlackBerry10TO".
You will have to be a resident of Canada (excluding Quebec) or the U.S. in order to be eligible to enter the contest. Winners will be notified  through a direct Twitter message between January 23, 2013 and January 28, 2013. If you understand the rules, you can take a chance at winning the device by following the source link for the complete rules and restrictions.


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