Nokia Lumia 920 vs. Nokia N8 - Photo Comparison

The Nokia Lumia 920 has been taking on all comers in an attempt to claim the camera flagship crown. We think its stiffest competition comes from within Nokia’s camp itself when it recently went head to head against the Nokia 808 PureView. Now it’s getting set to take on one of the top camera phones alumni – The Nokia N8.

Watch the photo comparison below and see how they fair against each other.

Low light, distant detail

Nokia Lumia 920
N8 Lumia 920

Indoors, low lighting, auto flash, human subject

Lumia 920
N8 Lumia 920
N8 Lumia 920

Very dark, some artificial light, no flash, landscape

Lumia 920
N8 Lumia 920
N8 Lumia 920

How do you think the Lumia 920 fairs against the Nokia N8? Share your thought in the comments section below. You can check out more image samples and comparison by following the source link.

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