Apple iPad mini sells out all available models in stock

Apple is generally successful with their product announcements, but when their unveiled the Apple iPad mini, we were skeptical of the device being successful. This doubt stemmed from the device specifications and price, which we didn’t feel was a fair bargain for the end user. Especially when the Google Nexus 7 and the Amazon Kindle Fire HD offered so much better hardware at a much lesser price.

However it looks like the iPad mini has proven us wrong and risen to be yet another successful entry in Apple’s device lineup, as all of the initial stock available for pre-order has been sold out.

At first it was the white variant of the 16GB iPad mini which had its initial stock sold out within a day. Then by Friday the entire white iPad mini stock was cleared out with the message stating that users would have to wait 2 weeks to get their hands on the device. By the next day eager buyers focused on the Black variant and the 16GB version also sold out quickly and if you go looking to purchase an iPad mini today, you will see the 2 week delay in place for all models.

However you can still get your hands on Apple’s smaller tablets on November 2nd, when it will be made available to users through Apple’s retails stores. Keep in mind that the 16GB model will be the first to sell out, so head over to an Apple Store near you quickly if you plan to get your hands on one of these tablets.

source – Apple

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