Jolla Mobile readying their first Meego handset

Jolla Mobile readying their first Meego handsetThe last we heard from Jolla, they were busy building their first Meego smartphone. Now they are back with information about the device and the said device is expected to be released by the end of this year.

Jolla Mobile was created by ex-Nokia employees who were previously part of Nokia's Meego plans. After Nokia discontinued its efforts with Meego the team re-branded themselves as Jolla and decided to bring Meego back under new management.

This information was revealed during an interview with Jolla CEO Jussi Hurmola, who also stated that the team is now working on building the ecosystem,, including developers, services and navigation. He went on to say that the new Meego smartphone will feature a brand new UI, which would indicate that we won't see the same interface we got familiar with on the Nokia N9.

It is important for Jolla to work on building relationships with carriers, services providers and especially developers. Meego's re-immersion and success will depend heavily on how well it is accepted by the developer community.

source - Gigaom

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