What's new in Windows Phone (7.5) Mango

What's new in Windows Phone (7.5) Mango
Windows Phone 7.5 Mango is now available to all Windows Phone devices and many of you may be wondering what the new version has to offer. Windows Phone 7.5 is a big improvement over it's predecessor and brings rivals all the features already available in it's competitors platforms.

If you still do not have the update you can try force installing it, but once you have it I am sure you will want to explore the 100+ features that Microsoft has promised with the update. While we don't have the time to go through all of them, lets take a look at 10 of the best features that you can enjoy on Windows Phone 7.5

In the previous version of Windows Phone pressing the back button takes you to the last opened application. Now you can press and hold the back button and you will see up to five of the apps you have used recently.

You can flick through these apps and tap to select the one you want to open.

Send a text with your voice
Voice commands were available on Windows Phone 7, but Mango brings it to a whole new level. You can now dictate text messages instead of just typing them. Windows Phone will recognize your voice and convert it to text. You can even have the phone read you an incoming text and send a reply, which will come in handy when you are driving.

Improved Search
Bing on your Windows Phone has been improved to provide Voice search, Music Search and Vision search.

  • Music search - If you hear a song when you are out, you can use your Windows Phone to find out the title, artist and album of a song without the need of third party apps.
    • Press Search
    • When you can clearly hear the song press the Music icon
    • After scanning you will get all the information about that song.
    • If you want the song you can tap Marketplace and you will gave the option of downloading it.
  • Vision Search - You can use the camera on your phone to find information anything around you, Windows Phone will search the web by scanning your image and give you results. You can even scan QR codes and Microsoft Tags on signs, magazines or online.
    • Press Search
    • Press the Vision Icon
    • Scan the image, scene or QR code using the phone's camera
    • Wait for Windows Phone to search for results from the web.
    • If you scan text, you can copy the text and paste it into a message or a document.

Facebook Chat
As part of improving the social media experience you can now chat with your Facebook friends from within messaging. To enable Facebook chat 
  • First setup your Facebook
    • Click Start > Settings > Email + Accounts
    • Select Add an account > Facebook
    • Enter your email address and password associated with your Facebook account
    • Sign in and connect Facebook to Windows Live ID if you wish.
  • Next enable Facebook Chat
    • Go to Settings > Applications > Messaging
    • Turn on Facebook chat

Music Player
  • You can add songs to Now Playing and then save them as a Playlist on your device
    • While you are playing a video or song tap and hold a song, artist, album, genre or playlist
    • Then select Add to now playing to add that item to a playlist
  • The new Smart DJ feature creates mixes on your device and allows you to stream them from Zune if you have a Zune Music Pass. 
  • You can now subscribe to audio and video podcasts on your device
    • Podcasts can be found under the Marketplace

More Social Networks

Windows Phone Mango brings more social network integration with Twitter and LinkedIn. There are also new ways in which contacts are filtered so you know which contact and update belong to which network.

Linked Inboxes
You probably have email from multiple accounts. With the new unified mailbox in Mango, you can stay connected to all your accounts in one streamlined inbox. You can see all your email in one location but your accounts will be categorized so you know which belongs where

Battery Saver
You can turn on the battery saver mode either automatically or manually. It will help you get that extra bit out of your device before it's time for your next charge.
  • Battery Saver can be found under Settings > Battery Saver
    • You can turn on when batter reaches 20%
    • Or Turn on until next charge

Improved Office Mobile
  • You can now sync your office documents with your SkyDrive and phone. This allows you to edit a document on your phone and pic it up for editing on your PC later
  • The expanded Office Hub offers more ways to view, navigate and search your docs.
  •  Excel for mobile has improvements such as tap and drag and autosum to help you with quick calculations.
  • Office 365 integration allows you to take your business to the cloud. Windows Phone Mango brings Office 365 support out of the box.

Camera Improvements
  • Video Sharing allows you to post your videos on Facebook and Windows Live
  • You can tag your un tagged photos using Picture tagging before you upload them to your social networks.
  •  Windows Phone Mango offers tap to focus, which allows you to focus on a certain point on your photo before you capture it.

We have covered ten featured updated to the Windows Phone platform. Along with new features Microsoft has also corrected bugs and improved performance on the handsets. If you have a favorite feature of Windows Phone Mango, please share it with the readers in the comments section below.

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