[Guide] How to convert mini SIM to micro SIM

This guide covers converting a mini SIM to a micro SIM for the iPhone 4 on AT&T. If you are using a SIM from a different carrier, please leave a question in the comments section before reading on.

I recently was faced with the decision of clipping my Mini SIM down to the MicroSIM size to fit my iPhone 4, and went on to read many online tutorials, and watch YouTube videos to help prepare for this process.

Converting your mini SIM to a micro SIM is not very hard, quite easy to be honest. But finding the correct instructions on getting it done was nearly impossible.

First lets take a look at the Mini SIM. It is 25 x 15 mm

The Micro SIM is smaller in size at 15 x 12 mm

It is easy to think by cutting the mini SIM down to 15 x 12 it will fit the device, you may get the dimensions right, but your chip would not be aligned and your device wont detect the SIM.
So get on Amazon or eBay and purchase a micro SIM adaptor. Once you get it place it on your SIM card and draw an outline of the microSIM on your SIM card.
The chips on both the SIMs may differ in size, but if you have both the chips alligned as best you can you should have no problem when cutting your SIM down.
If the chip sizes are the same just make sure you have the following thickness from the chip
  • right 1.5 mm
  • botton 0.5 mm
  • top 3.0 mm
  • left 2.0 mm
Once you have cut it down, use a nail file to make the edges smooth.

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