Nokia to update (S60 v5) Symbian^1

Users of older Nokia Symbian devices like the Nokia 5800 and Nokia N97 are up for a surprise as Nokia has confirmed that S60v5 devices are going to receive a UI update in 2012.

This news comes from an event held in Bello Horizonte,  where Vinicius Costa Product Manager of Nokia Brazil talked about the evolution of the Symbian OS - Anna, Belle and future updates after Belle. While the name of the update following Belle wasn't revealed the 'under construction' icon showed that Nokia is working on it.

When questioned on future updates to Symbian^1 (S60v5) Costa responded :
"Nokia will continue to support these devices, which will also receive and interface identical to that of Symbian Ann"
While there were no further details shared on this matter, It will be great to see the interface brought in line with the modifications in Symbian Anna, which do away with a lot of the issues on S60v5. So best hold onto your old 5800, it looks like Nokia will blow some new life into your devices very soon.

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