Google I/O 2012 scheduled for April 24-25

The date for Google I/O 2012 has already been set, and it will take place in San Francisco between the 24-25 of April. You may wonder why we are reporting this news so early but considering how fast the tickets sold out last year, it's better to be safe than sorry.

The registration cost for the event would be between $450-$550 depending on the dates you attend, but you may as well be attending it for free, considering some of the devices Google is known for giving away to the attendees. Back in 2010 attendees were given a choice between the Motorola Droid and the Nexus One, then in 2011 attendees got to take away a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (some of which ended up on eBay).  So it is very unlikely you will be disappointed attending next year's I/O.

source - Google

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