Windows 8 for ARM won't have the legacy desktop ?

We already know that the ARM version of Windows 8 wont run applications built for x86 processor architecture. But it turns out that we may only see the Metro UI on ARM based Windows 8 tablets.
Previous expectations were that the ARM version of Windows will be the full version of windows on our desktops. Microsoft has been emphasizing on the fact that they are offering the same Windows experience on all devices.

 But when questioned on the reason the the ARM based hardware was not being demonstrated enough, Steven Sinofsky revealed Microsoft had chosen to only have the Metro UI on the ARM version of Windows 8 to ensure battery life and other ARM benefits. The Windows and Windows Live Chief also went on to explain that by excluding support for x86 applications they can avoid viruses and malware on the new platform.

This would disappoint many users who saw the legacy desktop demonstrated on ARM architecture during the CES event in January.

Microsoft is clear that they do not want to load the full version of Windows on the ARM platform. The ARM version of Windows will only have the Metro UI. Microsoft has promised to have a unique name and clear indication of what their ARM tablet offering will have to offer.

Of course users will still be able to use Intel based tablets for the full Windows 8 experience, but I am curious what our readers think about this ? Would you have prefered the full version of Windows for ARM or will you be happy with just the Metro UI ?

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