Apple announces "Lets Talk iPhone" event for October 4

Apple has finally announced a date for their upcoming media event which will hopefully house the first look at the next generation iPhone alongside the public release of iOS 5, iCloud and OS X Lion 10.7.2. The event will be held at the Apple Campus at Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA. It will take place on October 4, at 10.00 A.M

The announcement comes after months of speculations as to when Apple would finally announce their new iPhone. There were rumors of delays, multiple iPhones and even the release of the iPad 3. But all rumors will finally be put to rest by Apple next Tuesday.

This event will also mark a milestone for Apple, as their new CEO Tim Cook will take the stage to present the keynote. Apple's decision to host the event in their own Campus this time, instead of their usual San Francisco venue also something we have not seen from Apple in awhile.

We will be live as the event unfolds, so head back over here on October 4th or follow our Facebook Page for updates as they unfold.

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