Amazon Kindle Fire - Keynote Video

On October 28th announced their newest Kindle Lineup which is made up of the Original Kindle, Kindle Touch, Kindle Touch 3G and the Kindle Fire.

The Kindle Fire is set to bring a new era of tablet computing with an unmatched price-tag and access to Amazon's large cloud ecosystem, which includes access to books, movies, music, TV shows and apps.

The Fire which has a 7 inch display and is powered by a dual core processor may not be an iPad killer, but offers the loyal Amazon customers a great tool to keep their content with them while they are on the move.

Amazon's quote - "Premium products at non-premium prices" is truly clear in their latest Kindle lineup and I am sure these devices will help Amazon boost it's digital content market which rivals like Apple and Google are working their way into. The Amazon Kindle Fire will be available to customer on November 15th and can be pre ordered right now.

The keynote presentation of the new Amazon Kindle lineup of 2011 follows :

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