Cheaper Windows Phones coming ?

Cheaper Windows Phones coming ?One of the biggest issues that Nokia users have with Microsoft - Nokia partnership is the cost of Windows Phones. According to Andrew Lees, president of the Windows Phone division in Microsoft it seems that we may be seeing some very affordable Windows Phone devices coming sometime in 2012.While it is not clear on how much the device would cost, but reports are that it can cost around $100 - $150. The reason behind this drop is credited to a drop in smartphone hardware production costs.

This will be quite amazing, as the devices currently cost around $300 - $450, with the cheapest costing at least $200. If this does work out, I am sure we will see some favor in the eyes of Nokia's fanbase who are generally used to Nokia's cheaper offerings.

Would you buy a smartphone if you could get it at $100 ? Or do you feel the hardware wont be up to the standard you would expect in a smartphone in 2012 ? Comment below.

source - Microsoft

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